100% Online - Underage Smoking Class
A one hour underage / teen smoking class that you can stop and start anytime you want - on your schedule! This smoking class is completely self-paced, sign out and come back later, the computer will take you back to where you ended. That's right, work on it 10 minutes at a time, more sometimes, less others - you choose. It's only an hour long.
Less Expensive: Only $14.99 One fee, no added fees.
Under Age Smoking Class Guarantee
If you are taking an Offender Solutions® online underage smoking class because of a court, probation or other legal/school Peer/Teen Court etc. requirement and the underage smoking class is not accepted by the judge, probation officer or other person legally requiring it, Offender Solutions® will refund your money in full with written proof of decline. An acceptable "proof of decline" must be provided on official department/agency letterhead and signed by the judge, probation officer or the other legal entity requiring the class. Your refund request must be received within 60 days of purchase.
Please be aware that is your responsibility to confirm with the court, probation office, school or peer/teen court representative as to whether this online class will satisfy your requirements.
General Refund Policy Online underage smoking Class: If you wish to receive a refund please discontinue the use of the online underage smoking class you purchased and contact Offender Solutions® to request a refund as soon as possible. If you have not begun any of the underage smoking class lessons ("Begun" means, opened or changed your lesson/course status to declare "In progress" or "Completed") included in your purchase a refund will be issued once:
a) an explanation for the purchase and need for the refund has been provided and
b) a request has been received by Offender Solutions® Inc.
If you have begun any of the underage smoking class lessons ("Begun" means, opened or changed your course/lesson status to declare "In progress" or "Completed") any refunds will be at the sole discretion of Offender Solutions® Inc. If you are dissatisfied with the underage smoking class provided, you are strongly encouraged to contact Offender Solutions® either in writing, by email or phone to express your dissatisfaction. If, in the opinion and sole discretion of Offender Solutions® your concern or reason for dissatisfaction is warranted a full or partial refund may be granted. Please be aware that is your responsibility to confirm with the court, probation office, Teen/Peer Court or your school as to whether this online class will satisfy your requirements.
Offender Solutions®
Terms of Service for Under Age Smoking Program
- The Offender Solutions® Online Under Age Smoking Program provides health information, however, said information should not be considered, in any way, to be medical advice. Under Age Smoking Program participants should consult their doctor or other health care provider for a professional medical opinion.
- All sections of this website are for information and educational purposes only. You should verify with a physician and/or mental health care provider whether the information you receive is applicable to your particular personal situation . If you have a serious physical problem or mental health problem you should consult with a qualified mental health care and/or medical care provider.
The use of the services of this website is not meant to be a substitute for in-person counseling or substitute for treatment for suicidal thoughts, or substitute for treatment for severe psychiatric problems. If you are looking to quit smoking, the results from this program are not guaranteed, this program can help some smokers progress through the stages of change.
- The primary purpose of the Offender Solutions® Under Age Smoking Program is to give participants information and resources as they progress through the Modules.